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We live in a time of unease and unrest where fear has taken over and society has a greater effect on us that ever before. The world has gotten faster and smaller, we can now go to the other side of the world within one day, life's demands have increased with everything at our fingertips. This should be the best time of our lives and yet for most it has created more stress and concern from internet age to constant bombardment of information and need to be in contact. At what point do we say enough and create the space and time for ourselves, to know what is our limit, to know what is ok or us, what are we willing to risk and let go of. 

Life will go on whether we check our emails, clean our house or keep up with social media and no one will judge us worse than we judge ourselves.

It's ok to make time for yourself, you are worth it, you are important, you are no. 1 in your life and nothing will work well if you are not taken care of first. As the airplane safety notice says 'put your oxygen mask on first before helping others'.

This can be scary or refreshing, whichever I am here for you and you do not need to do this alone.

What is Wellbeing?


It is an inner process in which a person becomes whole. Finding a balance through healing the body, soul and spirit. Physically we see the healing, emotionally we feel the healing through our soul, where we recover from felt experiences, and spiritually we heal through a deeper connection with God/nature, provoking a feeling of oneness, peace and belonging.


'Imagery and imagination have been recognised forms of complementary therapy that have the capacity to produce positive physical changes in the body, enhance emotional resilience and cope with life's difficult moments.'

Cathy Malchiodi The Soul's Palette


By balancing our body, soul and spirit we achieve a state of wellbeing. Within the Anthroposophical training I undertook we talk about the three fold human being which is the body, soul and spirit. This can be taken further by going into the soul and further breaking down into another three fold of thinking, feeling and willing.

Now these are all words and concepts which can seem difficult to fathom, however they are part of our everyday life.

  • When we write, use pencil for lines and shapes and reflect we engage our thinking realm, which is connected to our spirit in a subtle sense.

  • When we engage with our emotions, use colour and fluidity we are in our feeling realm, which works on the soul.

  • When we act, do and move we engage with our willing rea))lm which is connected to our body.

Each has its role and each is required to live a happy, healthy and therefore balanced life. 

I work through observing where you are most comfortable and then gently working to balancing the other area or areas.

Become like a child?

For a minute think/reflect on how you perceive children.

Now depending on your upbringing or experience of childhood you will all have a very different perspective. However I am hoping you will agree with me that if a child has the right  conditions they are generally playful, imaginative and have a free spirit.

In the bible it mentions that we should become like children to enter into the kingdom of God. I believe it is this very playful, free, imaginative state of being that we all need to cultivate in adulthood so that we can enjoy life to its fullest (enter into the kingdom). This is our true natural state of being. Of course I do not deny that this is an easy task or does not come with its complications, is this not though part of the beauty of life.

If we stop for a minute and honestly ask ourselves,

'what is holding me back in this very instant from becoming like a child?'

What would you answer? Look at your answer and question it, are there steps you can take to move a little closer towards this state of being even if just through changing your thoughts.

What does it mean to be Well?

Have you ever had the feeling of being happy and at peace? My mum often calls this 'the birthday feeling'  where she feels great, excited and all is well. Even if you have never felt this type feeling you possibly know when you are feeling good, ok (well) or not so good, angry/upset/sick (unwell).

Wellness is something that comes from learning to live and accept our present situation, emotion or thought, we can  do this by breathing into it and taking the small steps necessary. This brings balance.

Tropical Leaves

Emotional Resilience

Express Yourself


Where does it come from?

We are all born with it, it is something that never leaves us, yet so few of us access it. This is just because life might not have given you the opportunity to express it. Good news though, you can start today and at any moment, its never too late.

How to harness creativity?


This can be done through action, going into movement and taking the first step. This is easier said than done for most of us. One thing for sure though is that it can only come from you and your desire to try.

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